Following message of the statement, that while averages understands any crises as examination they just trying / have to survive, but only smart ones understands it as opportunity to accelerate, innovate and move forward, our team according on experiences and learned lessons from past two years of the COVID-19 situation, has incorporated to the conference implementation various new approaches and innovative elements like:
- modernized design of the email communication that improved our performance and dramatically cut down reaction times to your questions, and other wishes,
- extension of the conference communication channels with interactive platform responsible online interaction of all attendees,
- and last but certainly not least, new modernized web portal, that provided us with option centralize all communication interfaces into one simplified place, prepared to serve efficient interaction with … you, dear reader of this article and rest of the this web of course :).
Upcoming series of blog posts is meant to inform you about its structure all the important features and of course, about all essential updates, news and announcements you shouldn’t definitely miss.
However, non of our effort would work best possible way without the most important ingredient, without your feedback. Don’t hesitate to remind us about glitches, bugs or any other inconveniences you have faced during portal usage. Let us know in comments your thoughts about design and overall user experience. We really looking forward for all reactions, good and well as … those others :).
with best regards,
Conference team.