Important dates

Important Deadlines

Abstract / Registration form submission30.09.2024
Notification of abstract acceptance05.10.2024
Final paper submission18.10.2024
Payment of conference fee05.10.2024
Date of the conference09. - 10.10. 2024

The submitted full papers will be sent for the peer review process after October 18.  Our production team will contact you as soon as we receive the review reports.

Guidelines for authors

The paper must be an original unpublished work written English language. The submitted paper should neither be published before nor be under consideration for publication in another conference proceedings or journal. Authors, whose names appear on the paper have contributed sufficiently to the scientific work and therefore share collective responsibility and accountability for the results. Each author can submit max 2 papers – one as the first authors, another one as a co-author. Co-authored papers should not have more than 5 authors.

All papers are subjected to a double-blind, peer-review process. Firstly, each submission is reviewed by the conference editors, who may reject it, if it is not dealing with the subject matter of the conference and does not meet the conference requirements or if it is of a low quality. In the second stage of the review process, the paper is sent to an independent reviewer. Reviewers are asked to evaluate the paper and they may recommend to: (i) accept the paper in the current form, (ii) accept the paper with minor correction, (iii) accept the paper with major corrections, (iv) accept the paper only after corrections and repeated review, and (v) reject the paper. Reviewers include the recommendations and comments, which are then sent to the author(s). The editors should not reverse decisions on publication unless serious problems are identified.

Conference papers: English
Conference languages: English, Slovak, Czech

The paper is successfully submitted if the author receives a confirmation e-mail.

After the final acceptance of the paper for publication in the conference proceedings authors sign the copyright declaration, which is the final formal condition for publication of the paper.

Manuscript requirements

  1. The length of the paper should be 6 to 10 pages and should be prepared in compliance with the conference paper template and in the following structure: Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion.
  2. Each participant can submit maximum two papers (one paper as main author and one papers as co-author).
  3. Title of the paper.
  4. Author’s full name and academic title(s).
  5. Author’s full affiliation (including, name of the department, faculty and university, address and e-mail address; if necessary point out the corresponding author).
  6. An abstract (200 – 250 words) to outline the purpose of the paper, methods of the research methods and crucial findings.
  7. Keywords (maximum 5 words/phrases).
  8. JEL classification (please, refer to

Technical requirements
The text may contain tables, figures or equations, which should have separate numbering (equations should be typed using the Microsoft Equation 3.0 or MathType). They should be placed in the text at the appropriate paragraph (just after its reference). For more information see the template.

The list of references has to be arranged in order of appearance in the text. All references cited in the text must take a part in the list of references and vice versa. Detailed information is provided in the paper template.

15 – 25 references – no more! Minimum 10 references have to be from Web of Science Database!

All references in the text must be cited in the list of references (and vice versa).

Please focus on journals from Q1 and Q2 quartiles (such as Journal of Management, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Finance, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Economic Studies…) from last two years.