Audrius Dabrovolskas
Turiba University
Department of Commerce
Different work experience in education field and interest to research development of film industries in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia has led me to doctoral studies in business research oriented Turiba University. Currently, I will be a second year doctoral student and my dissertation topic is related to the research of film policy and its development in the Baltic film industries. Before starting doctoral studies in Latvia I have acquired bachelor degree in Contemporary History (2010) and master degree in Journalism in Vilnius University (2012). From 2013 I started to work as a lecturer in Vilnius University where I was also engaged in different projects that were related to museum specialist competence development, public relations and journalism trainings either as an administrator, manager or coordinator. From 2019 I started to teach in Kaunas University of Technology and from 2021 I also teach in Vilnius Business College subjects that are related to strategic management and communication. During autumn semester of 2022 I am planning to start teaching additional online course called “Intercultural relations and creative communication” in Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre in cooperation with Tampere University of Applied Sciences.