Eva Pongrácz is a university teacher at the Department of Social Development and Labour of Faculty of National Economy of University of Economics in Bratislava. Her teaching and research activities focus on the labour market, the third sector, the social economy, social entrepreneurship and social innovation in relation to social inclusion. She is the principal investigator of the VEGA research project focused on social economy in the context of sustainable development, and participates as a co-investigator in the INTERREG project on social entrepreneurship. She is a guarantor of the subject Social Entrepreneurship at the 2nd level of higher education and a guarantor of the lifelong learning course “Municipal Social Entrepreneurship”. She is a member of the Working Group on Social Agriculture in Slovakia and the Working Group on Employment, Active Labour Market Policy, Youth Guarantee and Social Economy at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Slovak Republic. She is a co-author of Act No. 112/2018 on Social Economy and Social Enterprises.
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