Jelena Dujmović Bocka

Jelena Dujmović Bocka was born on 1 October 1984 in Slavonski Brod. She attended primary school in Babina Greda and secondary school in Županja where she was enrolled in gymnasium. In Osijek she graduated from the Faculty of Law on J.J.Strossmayer University in Osijek. During her years of studying, she received the State Scholarship and participated in Law Clinic. In 2008 she started working as an Assistant for Chair of Administrative Sciences, course Administrative Science. She has held classes and organized examinations for the following courses: Administrative Science, Basics of Legal Administration, Organisation and Work Methods in Administration, Comparative Public Administration, Comparative Local Administration, Good Governance, Modern Administrative Doctrines: from Public Management to Good Governance, Basics of Administrative Law and Organisation of Administration. So far, she has, as a mentor or co-mentor, contributed in writing numerous graduate thesis and final papers for Integrated undergraduate and graduate studies, Undergraduate administrative studies and Specialist graduate public administration studies. In 2012 she completed the Pedagogical-psychological-didactic-methodical education on Faculty of Teacher Education in Osijek. In 2014 she wrote her doctoral thesis “High Education as Public Service” in Postgraduate doctoral study on Faculty of Law in Zagreb, course Public law and public administration. In 2017 she became the Assistant professor. She is a member of Croatian Institute for Local Government and Institute of Public Administration. She is also an associate in the Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences.

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