Olena Primierova

Work experience
Associate professor at the Department of Finance, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (2006 –

Research projects
• Researcher in the project of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market and the Association of
Investment Professionals CFA Institute (2017). The concept of “Training and Certification of Stock Market
Professionals and Asset Managers: Transparency and Compliance with Modern Requirements and
International Standards”.
• Researcher in Institute of economic research and policy consulting (2012). Ukraine’s Payments Market:
International Framework and National Regulation / Analytical Report. – K.: ADEF-Ukraine, 2012. – 56 p.
Personal contribution 30 p. (Chapter 1. Modern Payments: International Framework).

Special projects
• Trainer in Ukrainian Women’s Fund: UNDP Project (2010-2011), USAID Project (2013-2014).
• Intern of the program “Assistant to the Chairman of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine”.
Committee on Human Rights, National Minorities and Ethnic Relations (2010 – 2011).

• Institute of Postgraduate Education. Specialty “Psychology”. Diploma with honors (2007 – 2010)
• Faculty of economics of National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv. Major “Finance”. Master diploma
with honors (2000 – 2006).