ONLINE from Aphrodite, Rajecke Teplice, Slovakia
University of Zilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Department of Economics invites you to the international scientific conference Globalization and its socio-economic consequences.


Dear conference participants, We are pleased to inform you that the proceedings of the 21st year of the international scientific conference “GLOBALIZATION AND ITS SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES 2021“ is available online.

You can find them on following URL.

About Globalizacia 2021
Globalization and its socio-economic consequences is an international scientific conference, thematically focused on the process of globalization and its impact on the economic, social and cultural life of human society. Its main aim is the cooperation with domestic and foreign educational and scientific-research institutions to present and transfer the newest knowledge in the relevant field. The conference has gained an excellent renown through twenty years of its existence and that is the reason why outstanding Slovak and foreign experts in their fields take part in it.

Conference is thematically focused on the process of globalization and its impact on the economic, social and cultural life of human society.

Conference scientific committee is composed of outstanding researchers and academicians from different countries.

Conference reviewing committee includes experts in their field to ensure the quality of the conference outputs.

Members of the organizing committee are researchers and academicians of the University of Zilina, Slovakia.

Globalizacia 2021 Speakers
University of Zilina
Institute of Technology and Business
University of Latvia
Spiru Haret University, Romania
Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania.
EKA University of Applied Sciences
Globalizacia 2021 Schedule
The conference is thematically divided into the following sections:
How to connect
Following list is representing all schduled sesions of the conference. To provide your with best possible experience, we have decided to use as a primary collaboration tool platform Zoom. Please note however, that maximum number of attendies per each particular session is 100. All attendies beyond this limit will be redirected to secondary solution - streaming platform youtube. All Attendies can place their questions either via QA fueature in case of the Zoom platform, or ask the questions directly in the discussion.

Opening ceremony and presentations of keynote speakers

NEW TRENDS IN GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT. Session Chair: Katarina Valaskova


GLOBAL CHALLENGES IN SLOVAK AND CZECH ENVIRONMENTS. In this session, the presentation can be given in Slovak / Czech language. Session Chair: Pavol Durana

If you rather prefer youtube stream, click here.

Globalizacia Partners
Media Gallery
Get a taste of conference atmosphere from its last episode.
Globalizacia Venue
Explore beutiful surrounding of the Afridite Palace Hotel, where our conference is taking its place each year
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